Compulsory Part
- Cells and Molecules of Life
a .Molecules of life
b .Cellular organisation
c .Movement of substances across membrane
d .Cell cycle and division
e .Cellular energetics
- Genetics and Evolution
a .Basic genetics
b .Molecular genetics
c .Biodiversity and evolution
- Organisms and Environment
a .Essential life processes in plants
b .Essential life processes in animals
c .Reproduction, growth and development
d .Coordination and response
e .Homeostasis
f .Ecosystems
- Health and Diseases
a .Personal health
b .Diseases
c .Body defence mechanisms
Elective Part
- Human Physiology: Regulation and Control
a .Regulation of water content (osmoregulation)
b .Regulation of body temperature
c .Regulation of gas content in blood
d .Hormonal control of reproductive cycle
- Biotechnology
a .Techniques in modern biotechnology
b .Applications in biotechnology
c .Bioethics
*Extracted from “Science Education Key Learning Area – Biology Curriculum and Assessment Guide”