
Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School

Biology 生物科

Subject Teacher

Mr. Yu Chi Hung, Ms. Leung Wai Hin and Ms. Lam Mui Yin

Introduction to NSS Biology Curriculum

The Biology Curriculum serves as a continuation of the Science (S1-3) Curriculum. With careful consideration of students’ prior knowledge and everyday experiences, it is designed to cover major aspects of biology, and to highlight relevance of biology to social, technological and environmental issues. The curriculum framework has three interconnected components: Learning Targets, Curriculum Emphases, and Compulsory and Elective Parts. The following diagram represents the relationships between the various components.

The curriculum consists of compulsory and elective parts. The compulsory part covers a range of content that enables students to develop understanding of fundamental biological principles and concepts, and the scientific process skills. There are four topics in the compulsory part – Cells and Molecules of Life, Genetics and Evolution, Organisms and Environment, and Health and Diseases.

The elective part is designed to cater for the diverse interests, abilities and needs of students. It aims to provide an in-depth treatment of some of the topics in the compulsory part, an application of essential knowledge and concepts, or an extension of certain areas of study. There are four topics in the elective part – Human Physiology: Regulation and Control, Applied Ecology, Microorganisms and Humans, and Biotechnology. Students are required to study any two out of the four topics.

*Extracted from “Science Education Key Learning Area – Biology Curriculum and Assessment Guide”

Key topics included in curriculum

Compulsory Part

  1. Cells and Molecules of Life

a .Molecules of life

b .Cellular organisation

c .Movement of substances across membrane

d .Cell cycle and division

e .Cellular energetics


  1. Genetics and Evolution

a .Basic genetics

b .Molecular genetics

c .Biodiversity and evolution


  1. Organisms and Environment

a .Essential life processes in plants

b .Essential life processes in animals

c .Reproduction, growth and development

d .Coordination and response

e .Homeostasis

f .Ecosystems


  1. Health and Diseases

a .Personal health

b .Diseases

c .Body defence mechanisms


Elective Part

  1. Human Physiology: Regulation and Control

a .Regulation of water content (osmoregulation)

b .Regulation of body temperature

c .Regulation of gas content in blood

d .Hormonal control of reproductive cycle


  1. Biotechnology

a .Techniques in modern biotechnology

b .Applications in biotechnology

c .Bioethics


*Extracted from “Science Education Key Learning Area  – Biology Curriculum and Assessment Guide

Learning Activities

I. HKedCity  - Online Question Bank Platform for self learning and assessment


II. Extended Reading for self learning
a. Steve, Setford et al. Water Cycles. DK, 2021.
b. Steve, Setford et al. Life Cycles. DK, 2020.
c. Susie, Rae. What’s the difference? Animals. DK, 2022.
d. Dan, Hooke. Climate Emergency Atlas. DK, 2022.
e. Joylon, Goddard et al. It can’t be true! Human Body!. DK, 2021.
III.Hong Kong Polytechnic University – Science Project-based Learning Activities
IV. Field Study
Investigation into seashore habitats at Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park
地址: 新界屯門河興街6A大興花園二期
電話: 24643638
傳真: 24634382
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